Sr. Mary Beth Ingham explores the topic of Christian Humanism – looking at all of creation through the lens of love – from the perspective of the Franciscan Tradition.
Dr. Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ, formerly Professor of Philosophical Theology at the Franciscan School of Theology, currently serves as Congregational Leader for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, California. Sr. Mary Beth holds a doctorate in Medieval Philosophy from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, and has published and lectured widely on the thought of Franciscan Master Blessed John Duns Scotus. In several publications, she argues that the pathway of beauty, via pulchrit?dinis, is at the foundation of Franciscan life and thought.
Sr. Mary Beth Ingham explores the topic of Christian Humanism – looking at all of creation through the lens of love – from the perspective of the Franciscan Tradition.
The keynote address for the Newman-Scotus Symposium is given by Sr. Mary Beth Ingham, who advocates for a shift of our concept of rational activity from an intellectual centrality to that of the will along the lines of Scotus who is the most famous of the Franciscan masters.