This course will examine active spiritual movements of the 12th and 13th centuries that preceded and perhaps prefigured the Franciscan movement.
This course will examine active spiritual movements of the 12th and 13th centuries that preceded and perhaps prefigured the Franciscan movement.
This course explores the Franciscan tradition of this interdependent practice of care, which, at its heart, involves honest presence with one another and with oneself.
This course will examine the full range of those texts, some 30 in all, from the saint’s autographs (those that survive in his own handwriting) to fragments of his “lost” writings contained in the writings of Clare of Assisi and others.
Setting this week within the context of Francis’ life journey, the course will reflect on the relationship between his experience of the Spirit, his mission in society, and the articulation of this experience in his writings and actions.
A two-day conference to exploring how the vision of St. Francis and St. Clare opens a new way of looking at contemporary struggles and how Franciscans use technology to spread the good news. This conference took place January 27 and 28, 2023. Lectures are available online.