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The Prologue of John's Gospel, Creation, and St. Francis

By Michael Guinan, OFM
November 24, 2024
1 min read

The Franciscan School of Theology hosts a variety of lectures from world-class theologians across the globe in this unique series.

St. Francis is popularly known as a saint of nature. This is not correct; he is rather a saint of creation. What does this mean? We will try to show how Francis' view of creation resonates strongly with some biblical views. A good place to begin is the beginning of the Gospel of John.

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Michael Guinan, OFM

Michael Guinan, OFM

Professor Emeritus of Old Testament and Semitic Languages

Michael Guinan, OFM, PhD, a priest of the OFM St. Barbara Province, is professor emeritus of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at the Franciscan School of Theology in San Diego, CA. Though retired, he still teaches occasional courses for FST. In addition to FST, he has taught at St. Bonaventure University, NY; St. Patrick’s Seminary, Menlo Park, CA; and Our Lady of the Angels Franciscan Seminary in Manila, Philippines. He is a contributor to the New Jerome Biblical Commentary, the Collegeville Bible Commentary series, and The Message of Biblical Spirituality series. He has contributed articles to the Anchor Bible Dictionary, the New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, as well as to St. Anthony Messenger, and the popular Catholic Update series. In addition to these writings, he has recorded 10 audio courses, covering different parts of the Old Testament, for (formerly NowYouKnowMedia).

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